
Online Character Count

Free online character count tool and word count tool. Very simple to use, mobile friendly with responsive design. You get the results instant, as the Online Character Count works with JavaScript. How to use Copy and paste your text in the text area above, and you will get instant results at the top. Number will display the amount of characters, words, sentences and whitespace in your text. At the bottom you get the results for keyword density. Features Online character count tool shows a number of letters including spaces, it can count words, displays sentence length, and even tells you how many whitespaces are in text - all that in real time. At the bottom you can check density word problems. You can easily find out how many sentences are in a paragraph. Word count checker works in Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, Opera, has a responsive design and delivers great experience on mobile. In case something goes wrong, inserted text will be saved in text area above - even if your browser crashes.

It is a great count tool to count number of characters and words in Twitter, Facebook, Word document, Excel document, PDF document and more. Online char count was never easier. If you like our free letter count tool, save it in bookmarks or create a shortcut.
Character count on social The number of characters significantly affect the results on social networks, so choose it wisely. What is the maximal length of a Tweet? How many characters are in a Tweet?

Character limit on Twitter: 280 characters
Tweets shorter than 100 characters have a 17% higher engagement rate.

What is the optimal length of a Facebook post title?

Optimal Facebook post title length: 80 characters
Facebook status: 63,206 characters (400 displayed)

Capitalize Word Tool

Capitalize sentences or capitalize every word online with just one click. You can capitalize sentences, capitalize every word or correct accidental caps lock (fOR tEXT lIKE tHIS).

Find & Replace Text Tool

Find and replace char, words or sentence in your text. Works with JavaScript and delivers instant results. You can find & replace using Case Sensitive.

Uppercase / Lowercase Tool

Convert text to uppercase or convert text to lowercase online. Works with JavaScript and delivers uppercase or lowercase converted text with just one click.

Online Notepad - Save Text

Need a place online to save text? Type anything in input field and it will stay there, even if you close your browser. Come back to edit your saved text in free online notepad!