Capitalize Word Tool
Capitalize sentences or capitalize every word online with just one click. You can capitalize sentences, capitalize every word or correct accidental caps lock (fOR tEXT lIKE tHIS). How to use Copy and paste your text in the text area above, then capitalize every word or capitalize sentence with one click. In the second input field you will get converted text. Mark a checkbox to correct accidental caps lock in and correct sentence in text (fOR tEXT lIKE tHIS). Features With free capitalize word tool it is possible to capitalize sentence or capitalize first letter of each word - all that with just one click. You can correct sentence with checkbox to correct accidental caps lock. In the second input field you will see the result of corrected sentence. On a first click text will be highlighted for easier copy / paste. If there is still something wrong, edit your text in second input field. Capitalize Word Tool works in Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, Opera, has a responsive design and delivers great experience on mobile.It is a great word tool to capitalize first letters of sentence or first letters of every word. Capitalize Word Tool will show you how to create perfect title or correct sentence.